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Income Tax

In May 2023, the district renewed the 5 year .75% traditional income tax levy.  The levy is effective from January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2028.  The income tax is collected by the Ohio Department of Taxation through employer withholding, individual quarterly estimated payments, and annual returns.  Payments are made to the district on a quarterly basis in January, April, July, and October.

The traditional tax base includes: wages, salaries, tips, interest, dividends, unemployment compensation, self-employment to the extent included in OAGI, taxable scholarships and fellowships, pensions, annuities, IRA distributions, capital gains, state and local bond interest (except that paid by Ohio governments), federal bond interest exempt from federal tax but subject to state tax, and alimony received.  Income that is not taxed includes:  social security benefits, disability and survivor benefits, railroad retirement benefits, welfare benefits, child support, property received as a gift or bequest or inheritance, and workers' compensation benefits.

If you have additional questions, please call the Ohio Department of Taxation at 1-800-282-1780.

Ohio Department of Taxation Resources:

School District Income Tax Website

Frequently Asked Questions 

Guide to Ohio's School District Income Tax

Tax Forms

*The Granville Exempted Village School District number assigned by the Ohio Department of Taxation is 4501.