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The Technology Department oversees the district's technology infrastructure, while Instructional Technology is managed within the district's Office of Curriculum & Instruction,  

The Technology Department is responsible for purchasing, support, operating, and maintenance of all information technology equipment within the district. This includes servers, computers, laptops, Chromebooks, printers, core infrastructure (such as routers, switches, and access points), as well as e-mail.  Also, the team handles purchasing, licensing, and implementation of software used within the District.  They also support district offices through systems integration and negotiations for information technology-related contracts.

Technology integration in our classrooms is supported by our Technology Coaches at the Elementary and Intermediate buildings, while our Director and Integration Coordinator provides integration support at our Middle and High schools. We work to prepare staff and students through a multi-tiered approach involving in-person professional development, asynchronous online training resources, and in-class co-teaching opportunities. 

Granville Schools currently provides Chromebooks for all students on a 1:1 basis.

Grades K-3 use a classroom cart model. The devices stay in the room and are not taken home.

Grades 4-12 Chromebooks are assigned directly to the students. They are able to transport the devices back and forth between home and school.

In the classroom, integration is driven by a few primary systems. Instructional materials and communication are driven primarily through Schoology, our district's Learning Management System (LMS). Each child's course schedule is imported directly into Schoology, where teachers are able to post assignments, deliver assessments, and guide student learning, both within the school building and outside of the school day. Students also have individual accounts through Microsoft 365, Microsoft's online productivity platform. Among other items, Microsoft 365 provides students with access to online versions of Microsoft's traditional Word, PowerPoint, and Excel productivity suite. Microsoft 365 also provides students with 1 TB of online, cloud-based storage through OneDrive for business. Saving and working within Microsoft 365 allows our students to transition seamlessly between home and school, as well as between different devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, and mobile devices.

In all of our efforts, we work to support students and staff in cultivating a creative, collaborative, and meaningful educational experience for all members of Granville Schools.

Student Privacy

Protecting our student's data remains an important part of our work. We have partnered with the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) and the Ed Tech Leaders Alliance to host our digital privacy agreements (DPA). The DPA's define what PII data is accessed for their services. You can view our current DPA's at the link below.


Contact Us

Glenn Welker
Director of Technology

Photo of Alyssa Baker

Alyssa Baker
Technology Integration Coordinator


Photo of Beth Downing

Beth Downing
Technology Coach, GIS

Linda Wicks
Technology Coach, GES

Matthew Kohut
Field Technician