Special Education Profiles

Every year, each school district receives a Special Education Profile displaying the district's performance on key indicators established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Some of the indicators measure procedural compliance with IDEA, while others measure results for students with disabilities.


The design of the Special Education Profile helps districts facilitate continuous improvement in their special education programs with longitudinal data. The organization of data is around four key questions that assess kindergarten readiness, achievement levels, preparedness for life beyond high school and services for children with disabilities.


This year, the department sent districts their profiles on December 20. Each district’s 2016-17 Special Education Profile is now available to the public. To protect student privacy, the publicly accessible profiles conceal results for any indicator with fewer than 10 students included in the calculation. Click or tap here to access this year’s Special Education Profiles.

Granville Exempted Village Schools will be receiving Federal Part B-IDEIA (Flow Thru) funds to be used in the area of special education. These funds are generated by the "Child Count" of students with disabilities within a school district as of December 1, two years prior to the current school year. 

For a number of years, Flow Thru funding has enabled Granville to have the services of a Director of Student Services and a Student Services secretary. At times, it has also provided for a portion of the expenditures for specialized equipment for students with disabilities. A Special Education library which houses books on disabilities and parenting skills was established using Part B funds, and several of the special education computers were also purchased with these funds. In recent years, a significant portion of these funds has been allocated to help provide occupational, physical and speech therapy services as well as for special education intervention teachers.

Part B-IDEIA funds must be used specifically to serve children with disabilities, although non-disabled students may also benefit when these services are provided in the regular classroom setting. There are stringent guidelines limiting the use of this funding, and the proposed budget must be approved by the Office for Exceptional Children of the Ohio Department of Education. Budget amendments are made as needed during the course of the school year. It is anticipated that the current year’s budget will continue the plan of the previous year, including funds allocated for educational supplies and increasing funds for occupational and physical therapy services.

Granville residents are invited to participate in the development of the annual Part B-IDEIA budget by sending suggestions to the Director of Student Services, Granville Schools, 130 North Granger Street, Granville, Ohio 43023. All responses will be considered carefully and, if they fall within the guidelines for usage, will be prioritized on the basis of their appropriateness and overall benefit to youngsters in special education programs.