English Learners

In Ohio, over 80,000 English learners (EL) were enrolled in the state’s elementary and secondary public schools during the 2023-2024 school year.

The term “limited English proficient” refers to those students whose native or home language is other than English, and whose current limitations in the ability to understand, speak, read or write in English inhibit their effective participation in a school’s educational program. 

Like their native English-speaking peers, English learners in Ohio are expected to achieve high educational standards. Ohio’s high expectations for academic achievement are designed to help ensure that all students are prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.


English learners should be placed in a grade level appropriate to their age unless other factors preclude such a placement. Other factors to consider include: educational background, length of time in the country, English language proficiency, first language proficiency and parental requests. Entering students should not be placed more than one grade level below their age appropriate grade.

Initial placement decisions will be made by a building level team consisting of, but not limited to, the building principal, ELL specialist, age-appropriate classroom teacher, guidance counselor and parent.

Ohio English language Proficiency Standards for EL

EL Manual

Contact Us


Gwenn Spence

Director of Student Services



Joyce Blackstone

Student Services Secretary



Kim Border

Student Services Secretary
