Student Services
The Granville School District provides a comprehensive program of services to students ages 3 to 21 identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Services are provided as required by Ohio’s Model Policies and Procedures for the Education of Children with Disabilities.
Intervention assistance teams in each school assist staff and parents in providing assessment, evaluation, and interventions for student needs in the general education classroom. Special education services are available for students with learning disabilities, physical, developmental, and behavioral handicaps, and multiple handicaps.
If you have concerns about your child’s educational progress, you may start by meeting with his or her teacher to discuss your concerns. You may also contact the building administrator(s) or district Student Services Department.
Students needing specialized instruction and support are given an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). They are supported, whenever possible, in general education classrooms. Students may also be provided with tutoring or be placed in skill-appropriate classes. Services are provided, to the maximum extent possible, in the least restrictive environment.
The district's Student Services Department provides services based on student needs and specific support services, testing and assessment, and alternative programming. Students with more intensive needs, or very specialized needs, may be placed in programs out of the district.
The district will make available its policy of nondiscrimination against persons with disabilities and inform parents of their rights under Section 504 (including the right to examine records relevant to their child and the right to an impartial hearing with representation by counsel) anytime the district takes action with regard to identification, evaluation, educational program or educational placement of a student with a disability.
Parents should contact the Director of Student Services regarding any questions related to Section 504 and/or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Student Services Handbooks
- A Guide to Parents' Rights in Special Education
- Response to Intervention Process
- Navigating Guardianship in Special Education
- Child Find
- Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Information
Student Services Handbooks
A Guide to Parents' Rights in Special Education
Response to Intervention Process
Navigating Guardianship in Special Education
Child Find
Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth Information
Student Services Links
Ohio Early Intervention Programs
Program details for children with special needs up to age 3
Early Intervention Local Contacts
For children up to age 3
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
U.S. Department of Education website for IDEA
Contact Us
Gwenn Spence
Director of Student Services
Joyce Blackstone
Student Services Secretary
Kim Border
Student Services Secretary