Prescription Medications
All prescription medication taken by students on school property must be administered according to the following guidelines. The Prescription Medication Form must be completed and submitted to the school office before any prescription medication can be given to a student.
If children are in a foster home and placement is by an agency that holds custody, the agency must give authorization.
Students who have a written I.E.P. (Individualized Educational Plan) will have medication needs included within the I.E.P., if it is relevant to their educational plan.
The school nurse or an appropriate person appointed by the building principal will supervise the secure and proper storage and administration of medications. Both physician and parents must authorize any self-medication by the student. The drug must be received in the container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or licensed pharmacist.
The parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the student must agree to submit a revised statement signed by the physician who prescribed the drug to the nurse or other designated individual if any of the information originally provided by the physician changes.
Over-the-Counter Medications
No student in grades kindergarten through eight may take any type of medication on school property, unless the proper information is on file in the building principal's office and the medication is kept in accordance with the following rules:
The medication must be presented for storage to the school office in its original container that contains recommended dosages for children with the child's name included on the container. Students authorized in writing by both their physician and parents may administer their own medication.
The parent or guardian must submit written directions for administering the medication to the child that include
- Student's name & class
- Name of the drug and the dosage to be administered
- Times or intervals at which each dosage is to be administered
- Date the administration of the drug is to begin
- Date the administration of the drug is to end
- Condition for which the drug is to be administered if it is to be given "as necessary" and how the school personnel will be notified if a dose was already taken that day
- Any adverse reactions that should be reported to a doctor
- Any special instructions for administering the drug such as storage requirements
- Signature of the parents or guardians
The school employee may refuse to administer any medication that exceeds the dosage recommendations on the original container.
For questions or further information, please contact your child's school office or Gina Burdick, School Nurse, at 740-587-8129.
Contact Us
Gina Burdick, MSN, RN, LSN
District Nurse
Granville Elementary School
GES/Mon–Fri /8:10 a.m.–3:55 p.m. and all schools as needed.
Gwenn Spence
Student Services