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Performing & Visual Arts

Participation in performing and visual arts inspires Granville students’ creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.


Our students showcase their talents in the arts through bands, choirs, orchestra, artwork, and three plays during the school year.                                                                         


The Granville Arts Boosters is a group that has fun while raising funds for the district's music, drama, and arts students.  It is an organization comprised of all parents of Granville fine art students and any
interested persons. The organization meets every month in the GHS library to plan activities and fundraisers to support all Granville fine arts programs. 

To join online, click here.  For information about the  Boosters, click or tap here.

Event Tickets


Tickets for athletic, theater, and music events can be purchased through Hometown ticketing on-line.  For building specific events, please click the links below for tickets.