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Whom Should I Talk With?

Whom should I talk to if I have a question or concern about Granville Schools?

The Granville Exempted Village Schools want the education experience to be a positive one for you and your child. There may be times when you have questions or concerns. Our goal is to address and resolve any issues as promptly and efficiently as possible. Please use the Organizational Chart  and staff directory to address your questions to the appropriate person or department. We ask that you start with the person most directly involved in your issue. For example, if your child has an issue on the school bus, please speak first with the bus driver.  

Resolving Conflicts with Staff
1.) First, talk with the staff member about the situation. The employee should make every effort to provide a reasonable explanation or take appropriate action within his/her authority, and district policies and guidelines.
However, if child abuse or substance abuse is suspected, or if there are any other serious allegation(s), immediately contact the building principal.

2.) If the situation is not resolved satisfactorily with the staff member, ask to meet with the building principal or supervisor.

3.) If you are not satisfied with the principal or supervisor’s resolution, request in writing a meeting with the superintendent. In your written request, please include:

A brief description of the situation.
A description of how you, your child or other students have been affected by the situation.
The action you would like the district to take.
Why you want the action taken.
4.) If the superintendent’s solution does not satisfy your concerns, you may request in writing to meet with the Granville Board of Education.

The board will schedule a hearing. You will be notified in writing of the board’s decision within 10 business days after the hearing. The board’s decision is final.

Who to contact in the Granville Schools (listed alphabetically)
For staff not listed here, please use the Staff Directory to locate contact information including name, title, location, phone and email address.

Business Operations
Responsibilities include: Management of facilities, grounds and custodial services, as well as food services, transportation, and the energy management and recycling programs.

Scott Lofton, Operations Supervisor

Dianna Myers, Operations Secretary

David Kraynak, Chef & Manager, AVI Fresh Foods

Scott Carpenter, Transportation Supervisor

Deana Killworth, Transportation Secretary

Curriculum & Instruction
Responsibilities include: Creating and leading professional development related to Common Core and State Standards; selection of academic resources including textbooks and supplemental materials; facilitates district committee meetings; manages district and state-mandated assessments; evaluates building principals; and EMIS (Student Information System);  

Ryan Bernath, Assistant Superintendent

Janelle King, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent

Kelli Small, EMIS Coordinator/Registration Coordinator
Human Resources

Responsibilities include: Planning, coordinating and supervision of the Human Resources Department. This includes the recruitment and selection process of all certified and classified staff, the administration of employee benefits and AESOP (Substitute Scheduling).

Brian Petrie, Director of Human Resources

Marie Kreger, Human Resources Secretary

Josh DeVoll, Athletic Director 

Jessica Wills, Assistant Athletic Director                                                                                                                            
Laura Whittington, Athletic Secretary

Student Services
Responsibilities include: supports students ages 3 to 21 identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and/or Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973; provides English Language Learner (ELL) students with service to address English language and academic needs; supervises school health clinics to support on-going and immediate health/medical needs of students and staff and conducts screenings, consultation and prevention classes to support student wellness.

Gwenn Spence, Director

Kim Border, Secretary

Joyce Blackstone, Secretary


Responsibilities include: vision, continuous improvement, and focus of district work; communication and collaboration; policies and governance; instruction and resources.

Jeff Brown, Superintendent 

Janelle King, Secretary to the Superintendent                                                                                                                          

Responsibilities include: Technology Operations - Support & successful operation of computer-based equipment, email, wireless, security cameras. Technology Integration - The seamless infusion of technology into the regular education classroom; support for teachers and training of staff.

Glenn Welker, Director of Technology

Eric Lennartz, Assistant Director of Technology


Treasurer                                                                                                                                                      Responsibilities include: financial planning, oversight & reporting; Accounts Payable;  Payroll & Benefits.  

Brittany Treolo, Treasurer

Jaime Nesbit, Payroll

Kim Pulley, Assistant Treasurer


Granville Elementary School

Travis Morris, Principal

Tracy Stewart, Assistant Principal

Isabelle Thatcher, School Counselor

Brennan Kellett, Secretary

Tiera Cramer, Educational Aide

Granville Intermediate School

Tracie Lees, Principal

Sarah Giannetto, Assistant Principal

Misti Baker, School Counselor

Janine McCullough, Secretary

Granville Middle School

Lisa Ormond, Principal

Chris Williams, Assistant Principal

Sydney Frazier, School Counselor

Jody Overholt, Secretary


Granville High School

Scott Hinton, Principal

Katie Beach, Assistant Principal

Elizabeth Adams, School Counselor Last Names H-N

Brandi Cosgrove, School Counselor Last Names O-Z 

PJ Kadlic, Guidance Secretary

Cody Masters, School Counselor, Last Names A - G

Lori Browning,  Principal's Secretary

Tiera Cramer, Educational Aide