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Information and practice Ohio State Tests can be found here on the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce website.  


Why are the Ohio State Tests a meaningful and useful assessment system?

  • The  assessments reflect classroom lessons and experiences. Students must analyze information and explain their answers. They take advantage of technology to include questions and other tasks that emulate the type of work that students will encounter in their classrooms on a regular basis and after high school. These assessments help to encourage schools to use technology as a day-to-day tool to enhance learning.
  • The multi-state test offers a common benchmark for local and state educators and policymakers to gauge student performance on a level playing field. The state and local districts will continue to monitor other data sources such as student and school progress, attendance and graduation rates, school climate and learning conditions. The data we gain from these assessments is one piece of a larger collection of data points that we use to measure the effectiveness of our programs and the progress of our students.There are numerous dates on the testing calendar. Will my student be tested all of those days?

Will my student be tested all of the days on the test schedule?  

Each individual student is testing on only select days during the testing windows. Students will only be tested on the subjects and grade levels that pertain to the individual student. For example, on a day when fourth-grade students are testing, fifth- and sixth-grades students at GIS will have normal classes.

Will regular instruction be happening during the testing windows?

Instruction will continue throughout the testing windows. The typical daily schedule will have modifications to allow for the testing times.

When will results be available, and what will parents and students receive?

There is no definitive answer from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) on when results will be available but typically by late summer.    Parents, students and the school district will receive the student’s overall score which is a combination of the PBA and EOY.

How does my student make up a test if he or she is out ill?

Students will continue with the schedule as it is published from the building. A makeup test can occur when that student does not already have a test scheduled (i.e. if a fourth-grader is absent they could make up a test on the day that the fifth-graders are testing). Additionally, students can make up tests at the end of the testing calendar. Students will continue to take the rest of the assessments on the day provided by the district calendar.

What happens if Granville Schools are closed or a 2-hour delay due to weather conditions is required?

If Granville Schools close or delay due to weather or any other reason, the testing schedule will be moved back one day or that date will be adjusted to a later date within the testing window. Those decisions will be made in the best interest of students and the order which they are testing.