Granville Education Association

Granville Exempted Village Schools
130 North Granger Street
Granville, OH 43023-0417
Phone: 740-587-8101
888-683-7730: Fax

Granville Education Association

The Granville Education Association (GEA) is the exclusive bargaining agent for all certified and classified staff in the bargaining unit of the Granville Exempted Village School District. The GEA is composed of 186 dues paying members that include classroom teachers, guidance personnel, nurses, librarians, speech and hearing therapists, intervention specialists, physical therapists, school psychologist, bus drivers, educational aides, secretaries, clerical assistants, distribution personnel and mechanics.


The GEA works closely with the administration to solve concerns that may arise during the year to prevent them from becoming problems. This collaborative approach is made possible by the positive and respectful relationship between the GEA and the administration. 


As an affiliate of the Ohio Education Association and the National Education Association, the GEA strives to support its members in their efforts to carry out the educational objectives of the Granville Exempted Village Schools, to keep them informed of political action that has a direct impact on their educational careers and the welfare of their students, and to encourage community outreach.
GEA Scholarship Program
GEA members participate in fund raising activities each year to fund college scholarships for graduating seniors who will be majoring in the field of education.

District Committees
GEA members serve as representatives for the Association on committees such as the Granville Education Foundation, Calendar Committee, Sick Leave Bank Committee and other committees when requested by the administration.

Booster Supporters
GEA members volunteer at a variety of sporting and academic events to free up parent volunteers so that they can have the time to enjoy watching their children in their extra-curricular events.
Reach Out & Read
GEA Librarian members across the district have organized our local Reach Out and Read (ROR) collection program and were able to collect over 5000 books. Reach Out and Read is a national non-profit organization that promotes early literacy by giving new books to children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud in pediatric exam rooms across the nation. Doctors and nurses know that growing up healthy means growing up with books. The ROR program provides the tools to help promote children's developmental skills and later school success.
Emergency Fundraising
Fundraising has taken place to take care of our own members as well as others experiencing catastrophic situations in their lives. In the last 4 years over $15,000 has been raised due to the generosity of the GEA members.
Professional Development
It is our intent to provide member and community education with regard to academic issues.


Dave Stewart
Granville Middle School 

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