Student & Family Resources

How to Prepare for the College Fair

Plan Your Attack 
The college fair only lasts 1.5 hours, so it is helpful to prepare how you'd like to best use your time. There will be nearly 100 colleges and universities represented, so you may want to pick out your "top" choices that you want to check in with first.
You may also want to consider attending a helpful, educational session related to college and the admissions process.

Get What You Need Out of It!
This is YOUR college fair. Take advantage of the opportunity to make contacts with college reps and ask questions. There are no stupid questions. What is important for you to find out may be very different than your friends or even your parents.

Making a Good First Impression

Put your best "hand" forward... 
Don't just pick up information! Extend a friendly handshake and introduce yourself to the college reps. Make eye contact and let them know that you are listening to the valuable information they are sharing. Thank them for their time!
Make the contact
This is your opportunity to make face-to-face contact with the people that will most likely be reading your college application. Get their name and contact information. You may also want to have your contact information prepared as stated in the next segment.
Be prepared
Check out some helpful questions to use here. Also, you many colleges may ask for your contact information. It may be easier for you to make your own, business card-size informational sheet with your contact information, school name, graduation year, and interests rather than having to write your information down at every table. You could use the document at the bottom of this page as a template.
What to wear???
The college fair is not a formal event, so you may wear what you would like. However, we would suggest that you may want to avoid any dress code violations, such as baggy pants, skinny-strapped shirts, or hats.
It may be easier for you to make your own, business card-size informational sheet with your contact information, school name, graduation year, and interests rather than having to write your information down at every table.
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